Thursday 10 August 2017

Black plaque

Information sought, please – a couple of these seemingly unofficial looking plaques have popped up on the walls of Bristol in recent weeks, commemorating / condemning the slave trade, which is still (!) a hugely controversial subject in the city! (sigh: move on, please – it'll ALWAYS be Colston Hall to me, thx!!!)

Can anyone shed any light on these, anything? As of 9.8.17, the Internet had no info at all, surprisingly! The plaque carries the English Heritage logo, though I doubt it has anything to do with them. Any info greatly received. This plaque was on the wall of the Galleries car park, Newgate. (12.9.2017: I have since discovered another on a factory wall on Coronation Road, at its jn with Clift House Rd.)

Update: Like anyone cares, but this might explain the phenomenon.