Wednesday, 14 March 2018


Message to flytippers...

Dumping rubbish in the countryside makes you a c-word, yes, a complete lady-garden! Next time, why not consider recycling it, or giving good stuff to a charity shop. Consider the fact that someone else might be able to use your rubbish, or if you're gypos, use it as firewood! Maybe you'd consider giving me some shelving units, as I could sure do with them.

Hell, maybe even take it to a registered council RUBBISH DUMP!!!

Dumping rubbish in farmers fields (or anywhere) is just NOT acceptable. SCUM!

(This example was found off the A44, at Oxfords' Loop Farm Roundabout)

Thursday, 8 March 2018



Been having a quiet month, still in winter hibernation mode, but gearing up for Spring (whenever the hell that's gonna arrive!).

Just thought I'd share this pic of a hopeful snowman on Worcester's Bath Road during the now-long-forgotten blizzards of last week (yes, it DID snow, it wasn't imagination, yes, it's all gone).

Hopefully soon normal Urbex service will be resumed...