Friday, 10 November 2017

And the point is?

Gloucestershire Police are reintroducing a mounted section to its arsenal of resources after a 70-year break, and these two magnificent beasts (the horses, not the riders!) are Boris and General, currently on loan from the Met – but, er, is there not something slightly, shall we say, unusual, about the horse on the left?

Yes, it looks as if the boys in blue (or hi-vis yellow) in Gloucestershire are about to deploy a frigging UNICORN to the streets!!!!

Okay, the observant among you will point out that a) a unicorn is a beast of myth, and b) its horn is not on the top of its head. Yes, I know, I did go to a grammar skool, thank you, but I'm just being pedantic, as usual. The photo (from website was either very carefully posed or was genuinely inadvertent. Either way, I rather like it!!